Vanessa Diamond
Venessa Diamond87B, Jalan Kelawai, 10250 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
展览时间: 2020-09-16 -- 2020-09-20
领取资料 在售商品

The company, its people, is completely committed to providing the highest level of service and products available. Because we deal in both low and high volume we have an enormous range of diamonds in all varieties, for all occasions. We provide our customers with expert information so that they can make the most informed decision possible. Whether you buy through Venessa Diamonds, or not, we are a resource for the savvy, as well as the indulgent consumer.To us the diamond is...Timeless, breathtaking, beauty in its rarest form...Nothing symbolizes like the brilliance of a diamond. A quality diamond is the perfect choice and each has unique characteristics that make no two identical. So how does one choose the right diamond and invest wisely? A quick look at the 4Cs and the advice of a trusted source will guide you to the right decision.We at Venessa Diamonds, do not just focus on selling diamonds but to educate the customers about the 4Cs of diamonds, and how to take care of them or as a long term investment that may just turn into a personal heirloom...